Our childrens’ future
„What happens after the children finish compulsory school?“ – this is a question that we are asked frequently, and we found the perfect answer for it. There are many educational institutions by Don Bosco, an organization that has gained a good reputation globally, in Cambodia. Don Bosco has over 600 projects in more than 130 countries and helps children and adolescents in need. Their schools have very high educational standards and work with teachers and volunteers from all around the world. Our goal is that all of our children go to one of the many Don Bosco insitutions after graduating from school.
There are two Don Bosco schools near the children’s village, one in Kep (about 1,5 hours from Tani) and one in Sihanoukville (about 3 hours from Tani). Our children can have a two-year training in both schools. The schools offer a variety of professions. With the certificate that the children receive at the end of their education they have a great foundation for a successful and independent future. Furthermore, their training at Don Bosco is equivalent to the first two years of university in the same subject, provided that they graduated high school. That means that the children could continue their studies at university easily if they wanted to.
Here is a list of the possible trainings at both schools. Don Bosco Kep offers courses in:
• Administration
• Social Communication
• Electricity
• IT
Don Bosco Sihanoukville offers courses in:
• Electricity
• Hotel Management
• Administration
• Auto Mechanic
• IT
There is an entrance exam every August to get into the Don Bosco institution, the semester then starts in October. Our director prepares the children for the exam and organizes everything for their studies. He is in touch with the teachers at Don Bosco, gives the children advice and will continue to support and help them after they leave the children’s village.
Every course at Don Bosco includes at least 18 subjects. English and Computer are included in all courses, which is why it is important that we teach English and basic computer knowledge at the children’s village to accurately prepare our children for their future studies. Also, social skills are treated as a seperate subject in all courses. Don Bosco places great importance on teamwork and good social behaviour will be trained at school for the student’s future lives.
Apart from a small tuition fee we have to pay for their school uniform, food, accommodation and basic everyday things. This is why our children will still be dependent on money from their godparents and donors after they leave the children’s village. Those teenagers who have completed their education at Don Bosco are very satisfied with it. They visit the children’s village regularly and talk about his experiences. Their English has improved a lot and they develop to be confident, responsible young people with concrete plans for his future. We are truly happy that we can offer our children a great training and education for their future, thanks to our cooperation with Don Bosco.
Hermann Gmeiner
„Ich weiß nichts Besseres, einem Kind zu helfen, als ihm eine Mutter zu geben, Geschwister zu geben, ein Haus, ein Dorf zu geben“
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About us:
Ziel des Projekts „Tani – Perspektiven für Kinder in Kambodscha“ ist es Waisen- und bedürftigen Kindern ein Leben in einem sicheren Zuhause, Zugang zu Bildung und ein kindergerechtes Aufwachsen zu ermöglichen.