The children’s godparents

The children’s godparents in Austria and Germany make sure that our childrens’ future is secured. They have a lot of love for our children and are extremely dedicated to our project. They finance their subsistence, their clothes, everything they need for their education and also go as far as fulfilling small desires that otherwise would not be reached – just like a real family. Unfortunately, most of our children do not have any close family, which is why the godparents play such an important role for them.

When I come to visit the children’s village I always experience the children’s happiness and excitement when I bring letters for them. They get the feeling that in a country far away, there are people who actually care about them, who think about them, who are always there to help them. The children keep their letters like treasures, they show them to their friends and talk about them all the time.

They especially love pictures from their godparents and they share them with the other children. There is a wall in the dining room in the children’s village with photos of the children’s godparents. That way, the children can see their European family every single day, think and talk about them. Everytime I come to visit the children’s village, the children take my hand and we look at the photos together – such a beautiful experience! The children know a lot about the godparents and love to share their stories. Also, the children usually call their godparents „Mom and Dad“, and that’s truly what they are! Dear godparents, you have become our children’s family!  Please continue sending those lovely letters to our children. It is so beautiful to be a part of their lives.

Ursula Beyer German chairwoman

Hermann Gmeiner


„Ich weiß nichts Besseres, einem Kind zu helfen, als ihm eine Mutter zu geben, Geschwister zu geben, ein Haus, ein Dorf zu geben“


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 About us:




Ziel des Projekts „Tani – Perspektiven für Kinder in Kambodscha“ ist es Waisen- und bedürftigen Kindern ein Leben in einem sicheren Zuhause, Zugang zu Bildung und ein kindergerechtes Aufwachsen zu ermöglichen.