Welcome to the Tani family and thank you very much for considering contributing to the project.
The children’s village is funded by godparents, events and selling the cookbooks and drawing books. If you want to support the work in Cambodia please use the form below. We are happy about every donation!
Austrian bank account:
Tani – Perspektiven für Kinder in Kambodscha gemein. GmbH
Sparkasse Feldkirch
IBAN: AT 56 2060 4031 0177 5876
German bank account:
Tani – Perspektiven für Kinder in Kambodscha
VR-Bank Coburg eG
IBAN: DE93 7836 0000 0005 7740 12
Here you can read a few examples for costs that arise regularly:
- Rice is the basic ingredient of every food in Cambodia. We eat it in the morning, for lunch and in the evening together with vegetabels, meat or fish. We harvest rice ourselves but to cover all demand we have to buy a few tons every year. You can help us! One bag of rice costs between 20 to 40 € depending on the season and harvest.
- On our fields we plant vegetable for our daily meals. We have achieved the best results with pumpkins, cucumber and beans so far. By donating 5 to 10 € you can make our fields bloom.
- We go to school by bike every day – no matter if it rains or the temperature rises above 35 °C. Since the roads are very bumüy in Cambodia our bikes are tested hard every day. We have to change some parts regularly and make sure they do their job. With 10 € you can support our bike pit stop in the children’s village.
- Knowledge gives us perspective and orientation. Additionally to school we attend workshops and trainings at the children’s village. We cooperate with local NGOs and international volunteers who teach us about nutrition, stress, personality building and much more. With 20 € you can cover the travel costs for a local trainer.
These examples are here to illustrate the different expenses. The individual use of the donation is determined by the current needs and can deviate from these examples. For example for urgent repair work, in case of sickness or trainings for the employees. If you want to make large donations please contact us directly to talk about the assignment of the donation.
100 % of your donation will reach the children’s village. All administrative work is done on a voluntary basis. All travelling costs are paid by the staff themselves. Volunteers work at the children’s village regularly and make a valuable contribution.
Please send the completed form to info@tani.at or via email to: info@tani.at
By mail:
Tani – Perspektiven für Kinder in Kambodscha gemein. GmbH
Habsburgerstraße 17
A-6830 Rankweil
Here you can download the form downloaden
Hermann Gmeiner
„Ich weiß nichts Besseres, einem Kind zu helfen, als ihm eine Mutter zu geben, Geschwister zu geben, ein Haus, ein Dorf zu geben“
Tani wird unterstützt von
About us:
Ziel des Projekts „Tani – Perspektiven für Kinder in Kambodscha“ ist es Waisen- und bedürftigen Kindern ein Leben in einem sicheren Zuhause, Zugang zu Bildung und ein kindergerechtes Aufwachsen zu ermöglichen.